Hair Loss Prevention: 5 Tips to Help Save Your Hair

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Everyone wants to know how to prevent hair loss. While you can’t reverse natural balding, you can take steps to protect your hair and help slow down the process.

Check out these tips to prevent hair damage that may cause hair loss:

1. Diet

Maintaining a proper diet can prevent hair loss - thepennybox.comCreated by drobotdean –

Maintaining a proper diet can help improve your hair health. A healthy diet will contain the appropriate levels of iron, protein, and other nutrients that can enhance your hair’s health, look, and feel.

  • Protein: your hair needs protein to grow since is composed mostly of protein
  • Iron: to boost the growth of your hair make sure you’re getting enough iron 
  • Fatty acids: build the strength and durability of your hair. Salmon, nuts, and seeds contain fatty acids.
  • Eating to much salt is a particular cause of early greying and hair fall.
  • Mediterranean diet: According to a 2018 study, the Mediterranean diet that is high in raw vegetables and fresh herbs reduces the risk of hair loss or at least slows down the process. Parsley, basil and salad greens are recommended.

2. Vitamins

Vitamin deficiency can also be a cause of hair loss.- thepennybox.comCreated by suksao –

Vitamin deficiency can also be a cause of hair loss. Vitamin A, B, C D, E, Biotin, Niacin, and Zinc are the most common vitamins that affect your hair growth.

Get a standard blood test to determine if you’re missing certain vitamin.

  • Vitamin A helps to increase the rate of hair growth and sebum production. The healthier the scalp is, the more hair it can retain—foods that are rich in vitamin A: sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, and spinach.
  • Vitamin D was associated with hair loss, according to a 2018 study. Increasing Vitamin D levels can help with regrowth.
  • Biotin is linked to fatty acid synthesis in the body, which is essential to the hair life cycle. You can experience hair loss if you have a deficiency.

Make sure you check with your doctor before you increase the intake of vitamins.

3. Haircare

Daily exposure to heat can affect your scalp and cause hair loss -

We tend to put enormous stress on our hair. Hair dryers, hot curlers, tight braids, and hair straightening products can cause dry, fragile, and thinning hair.

  • Prevent heat damage: Daily exposure to heat can affect your scalp and cause hair loss. Try your best to avoid heating products such as hair dryers and hot curlers, by braiding your hair for a natural wave or by air-drying your hair.
  • Avoid harsh hair products: Using products like hair spray, hair dye, or harsh shampoos can rip your hair of its natural oils and protein. Try avoiding hair products and dyes that contain PPD, or paraphenylenediamine. Talk to your stylist about switching to organic hair dyes.
  • Wear your hair down: Avoid whenever possible hairstyles that pull your hair back. For example, too tight of a ponytail, or harsh backcombing can lead to thinning. 

4. Medical treatments

Medical treatments for hair loss - thepennybox.comCreated by freepik –
  • Hair Transplantation – most commonly performed for male pattern baldness, is a minimally invasive procedure. Hair follicles are surgically removed from a donor site in your body to the areas of baldness.
  • Scalp reduction is a method that involves the surgical removal of areas of the scalp that are affected by baldness. It is performed in both men and women.
  • Laser Therapy, also called red light therapy, can help improve hair density for people with genetic hair loss and loss due to chemotherapy. Painless medical treatment works by stimulating epidermal stem cells.
  • Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) therapy: Injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the scalp helps stimulate growth in areas already impacted by hair loss. You have to give a sample of your blood, that is then placed a centrifuge. This will separate the platelets and then injected them into the scalp.

5. At-home remedies

Oil treatments can help hair loss - thepennybox.comCreated by freepik –

Though there is no scientific evidence, people have been using natural methods since ages to prevent hair loss.

Oil treatments can help hair loss that’s caused by a dry, flaky scalp. Hair masks can better the health of damaged hair.

  • Olive oil – can be used to deep condition hair, protecting it from dryness and associated breakage. Apply a couple of tablespoons of olive oil directly to hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes before washing out. 
  • Coconut oil contains lauric acid that protects your hair from breakage and strand. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil can promote better blood flow and help with regrowth.
  • Essential oils can help reduce hair loss. Consider using for the mix cedarwood oil, lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, and peppermint.

When using at-home remedies, make sure the ingredients are safe, natural, and are proven to be efficient before use.
If you see an unusual amount of hair loss daily, we recommend you see a dermatologist.

If you want to learn more about hair loss, check out Hair Loss Prevention: 5 Tips to Help Save Your Hair

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